Thursday, August 29, 2013

Visited My Sister in Daytona Beach

I've been so busy I haven't had time to post about last weekend!  We decided to get out of town so we went to Florida for an end of summer trip.  We visited my sister, Glenda and her husband Vic in Daytona Beach.  It was great to see them and we certainly needed some time away.

We stayed on the beach at the Atlantic Cove hotel.  Twenty one years ago we stayed at this same hotel (it was the Coral Beach hotel then) on our honeymoon - so we have sentimental reasons for staying there.  It's not a high end hotel, but it does have several things we like.  It's not very expensive, it has rooms that face the beach and it has with rooms with kitchenettes.  Here's a picture of our room:

Here's a picture of the view from our room.

One of the things that we like about Daytona is the blend of the nicer areas and the really tacky, beachy stuff.  Here are two pictures of our favorite tacky tourist shops - the Ocean Club and the Big Shark Gift Shop.


How can you possibly pass up a shop with a huge shark out front!

Anyway, here are some pictures of my sister Glenda, Vic, Paul and me.

It was a very relaxing trip and we really needed it.  A good time was had by all!

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