Sunday, August 11, 2013

Our Weekend in Cincy

We just got back from Cincinnati.  Yesterday (Saturday) we went to a Reds baseball game.  I'm still not used to the Great American Ballpark.  I grew up going to Riverfront Stadium.  My Dad used to take me to games back when the Big Red Machine was in its heyday.  (I guess that gives away my age.) 

The Reds played the San Diego Padres.  We went to root! root! root! for the home team but, as seems to happen every time we go, they lost :(  In the last ten years we've seen them win exactly once!

Today (Sunday) we got together with my nephew, Brett.  I hadn't seen him for a very, very long time and it was great to see him again.  As we talked, I found we had a ton of things in common.  I know we're related, but it was a pleasant surprise.  Here's some pictures.

It's always fun to go back home to Cincinnati.  But it's good to sleep in my own bed with my own kitties.

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