Sunday, August 18, 2013

Star Wars Exhibit

The Indiana State Museum is hosting a Star Wars exhibit and I just had to go today.  I'm a huge Star Wars fan and have been since 1977 when the first movie came out.  I don't know how many times I've seen the original movie (let's just say it was a bunch).  I've always been a sci-fi buff and the first movie seemed to come along at a perfect time (age-wise) for me.  The first time I saw the opening scene with the star cruiser my jaw dropped.  I was hooked.  I know I'd be expected to identify with Princess Leia but I always identified with Luke.  I know it sounds nerdy but I just love Star Wars. 

I can't include all of the pictures I took but here are a few:

Here's a picture of Princess Leia I'll bet Paul would've liked to have seen today :)



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