Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July

Today is the 4th of July - the nation's birthday and my Dad's birthday.  I always thought that was kind of a cool day for a birthday.  I wish Dad was still with us but I have fond memories as I think of him today.

To celebrate the day, Paul and I decided to go on a picnic.  We went to one of our favorite state parks, Shades State Park.

We went to our usual picnic spot.

Paul cooked the veggie burgers and baked beans and I set the table.

We also took a little walk.

After our picnic we went to Dairy Queen (as usual).  Here's a picture of Paul enjoying his lemon meringue blizzard.

We thought about going to downtown Indy to see the fireworks but decided not to.  A nice day.

Happy 4th of July to all!

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