Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas and Two Christmas Recipes

Hot Cran-Apple Cider

3/4 tsp cloves
1 medium navel orange
1 medium lemon
4 cups apple cider or juice
3 cups cranberry juice
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 cinnamon sticks

1.  Insert cloves into orange.  Cut orange and lemon into slices.  In a large sauce pan, combine the remaining ingredients; add orange  and lemon slices.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 30 minutes.
2.  Remove cinnamon sticks and fruit slices with a slotted spoon, if desired, before serving.

That is the official recipe.  I actually used a crock pot and that worked just fine.

Cranberry Pecan Tart/Coffee Cake

1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 tbsp butter, softened
1 tbsp plus 1 tsp grated orange peel, divided
1-1/2 cups reduced fat Bisquick biscuit baking mix
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup light sour cream
1 egg
2 tbsp orange juice
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup fresh whole cranberries
1/3 cup chopped pecans (or walnuts)

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Spray 9-inch tart pan with removable bottom with nonstick cooking spray.  (I used a non-stick pan.)
2.  Combine brown sugar, butter and 1 tsp orange peel in small bowl, mix well, set aside.
3.  Combine baking mix and granulated sugar in large bowl, mix well. 
4.  Whisk sour cream, egg, orange juice, remaining 1 tbsp orange peel and vanilla in medium bowl until well blended. 
5.  Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. 
6.  Pour into prepared pan.
7.  Top evenly with cranberries and pecans.
8.  Sprinkle with brown sugar mixture.
9.  Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until lightly browned.

If desired, make orange or cranberry glaze with orange juice or cranberry juice and powdered sugar.

Merry Christmas to All!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Matchbox Twenty Cruise

We just got back on Monday from a short cruise to the Bahamas with Matchbox Twenty.  Yes, that's right!  Matchbox Twenty.  We left on Friday and returned on Monday.  I had been looking forward to this cruise all year.  And it was absolutely wonderful, well worth the wait.

Matchbox Twenty performed three concerts.  One big concert for the whole ship.  Then they divided the passengers into groups A and B and performed two smaller concerts of the older songs they don't usually perform any more.  They were fantastic!

The band members also did a songwriter's session where they discussed how they worked together to create new songs. 

A Q&A session was held and they were very interesting and entertaining.  No personal questions but some great professional ones.

It really was the photography session that was the best.  We got our pictures taken with the band and got hugs from each band member - Brian, Kyle, Paul and Rob.  I'm a huge Rob Thomas fan and it was so unbelievable to get a hug from him.  I have to say it was one of the best experiences of my life.  

I've actually met Rob before.  I won the opportunity to meet him backstage before his concert on October 31, 2009 in St. Louis.  I had a chance to talk with him (briefly) and I gave him a small gift.  This time I got a hug but not much time for talk.  But put the two experiences together and WOW!  He seems like such a great guy.  I wish we could be friends.  

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Delights

On Thanksgiving Day we're thankful for
Our blessings all year through,
For family we dearly love,
For good friends, old and new.

For sun to light and warm our days,
For stars that glow at night,
For trees of green and skies of blue,
And puffy clouds of white.

We're grateful for our eyes that see
The beauty all around,
For arms to hug, and legs to walk,
And ears to hear each sound.

The list of all we're grateful for
Would fill a great big book;
Our thankful hearts find new delights
Everywhere we look!

By Joanna Fuchs

I made a necklace for my Dollie and Me doll.

Here she is, ready for Thanksgiving.

I've included a few of our favorite recipes:

Cornbread Stuffing
1/8 cup butter
1/4 medium onion, chopped
1 medium leek, white part only, finely chopped
1 or 2 green onions, white part and 1 inch green, chopped
1/2 large clove garlic
1 celery stalk, chopped
8 oz cornbread stuffing mix
1/8 cup chopped parsley
1/2 cup chopped pecans, toasted
1 can (14 oz) vegetable broth

In the microwave heat butter until melted.  Saute onion, leek, green onions and garlic until golden, add celery.  Microwave until tender.  In baking pan combine dressing mix, vegetables, parsley and pecans.  Pour in the veggie broth.  Mix lightly.  Baked, covered, for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

Sweet Potatoes
1-1/2 cups cooked sweet potatoes
1 egg
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup butter
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup milk

Mix together and pour into baking dish.  Top with topping.

1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup pecan pieces

Bake at 300 degrees for about 25 minutes.  Be careful-topping burns easily.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Cats Haven

Today Paul and I volunteered for the first time at Cats Haven.  Cats Haven is Indianapolis' oldest no-kill cat shelter. The shelter was founded over 20 years ago as a sanctuary for special-needs cats and kittens, as well as senior cats who had outlived their owners. The shelter now cares for nearly 300 cats within its network.  It is currently the only known private non-profit shelter that does Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) in central Indiana. Cats Haven is passionate about helping pet owners keep and care for their animal companions by providing assistance when able, as well as information and resources.

We scooped litter, swept floors, cleaned baseboards and windows (where the little nose prints were) and, of course, snuggled with and loved on the kitties.  Here are some pictures of some of the residents:

It was nice to spend time with the kitties.  We plan to go back.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Christmas Gift and Hobby Show

Yesterday (Saturday) we went to the 64th annual Christmas Gift and Hobby Show at the state fairgrounds.  It's always a lot of fun.  There's over 180,000 square feet of shopping space, all under one roof! 

There's entertainment and exhibits.  And there's even Santa and an elf with a reindeer.

As is often the case, we found stuff for us but not many Christmas gifts for others.  With that much shopping in one place, it's kinda hard not to find something we like!

We had a good time looking at all the great things there!


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween From Dollie and Me

Several years ago I stumbled upon a book while living in England.  It was about a doll named Blythe.  I was very interested because I had a Blythe doll when I was young.  The book is Hello Blythe!  30 Postcards (Collectible Postcards), by Gina Garan (publisher: Chronicle Books, published: March 26, 2004).  The book was about Blythe's travels told in postcards.   I bought the book and really got a kick out of it. 

Here's a picture of my vintage Blythe doll:

At the time I didn't know new Blythe dolls were being made.  The current Blythe web site says:

Manufactured by Kenner in 1972, the original Blythe (now known as “vintage”) was produced for only one year and then was retired because of poor sales.

Thirty years later, in 1999, Junko Wong, President and CEO of CWC saw Blythe snapshots at the CWC New York office opening party. She fell in love with Blythe and knew she would be an instant sensation in Japan.

Then, in late 2000, she made her comeback in Japan when CWC produced a charming TV commercial for Parco department store starring Blythe. After the TV spotlight she became an overnight sensation in Japan and Asia.
Neo Blythe was reborn, no longer as a child’s toy but as a fashion doll appealing to adult doll collectors. Neo Blythe ushered in the era of contemporary doll culture and collecting.

Fast forward nine years.  This time I stumbled over a eighteen inch doll called Dollie and Me.  Made by the Madame Alexander Doll Company, she reminded me of an American Girl doll, only less expensive (and just as beautiful).  For some reason I got it in my head that I could do with this doll what Gina Garan did with her Blythe doll in her book - only I would photograph my doll in various holiday outfits instead of travel sites.  I guess it popped into my head because I'm taking a beginner's photography class and needed a subject.

I bought the doll and embarked on a shopping spree for her on ebay.  After purchasing dozens of outfits, shoes, tights, etc. I was ready.  This is my first "official" holiday picture:
I didn't make the outfit (I'm not a good seamstress) but I did make a necklace for her to go with the outfit:

Here she is in her trick-or-treat outfit:

Next is a Thanksgiving shot.  And maybe a Thanksgiving necklace!




Sunday, October 20, 2013


Paul's Post

I was recently looking up some info on one of my favorite designers, Daniel Cremieux.  The paisley shirts that I talked about in an earlier blog are from Cremieux.  I found a reference to Cremieux on Wikipedia that described it as "a brand of preppy style clothing."  Preppy?! Me?! That can't be right.
This gives away my age, I guess, but I remember when I was in high school that preppy was for the well-to-do kids, but something to be avoided for everyone else.  I remember things that made fun of "preppies" like the "Official Preppy Handbook" by Lisa Birnbach.

I then read more on Preppy in Wiki and found this statement "Examples of preppy attire include argyle sweaters, crewneck sweaters, grosgrain or woven leather belts, chinos, madras, Nantucket Reds, button down Oxford cloth shirts, seersucker cotton suiting, pearl necklaces and earrings, gold bangle or large chain bracelets, loafers and boat shoes."

I then thought about my wardrobe and thought - Oh my God, I am preppy!

For example here are just a few of my sweaters:

Argyle sweaters - Strike one!

I always were oxford cloth shirts with a button down collar to the office - Strike two!

These are then a few of the shoes that I have bought recently. 
Boat shoes - Strike three!!!
And in addition, I almost always wear chinos rather than jeans and I use braided leather belts.

I guess I'm going to have to accept this.  But it's not all bad.  At least things like baggy cargo pants and torn jeans are out of fashion.

Yes, he is preppy.  I can vouch for it.  But if I was thinner, I'd be a fashionista! - Lisa

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Romeo and Juliet

Today we saw the new Romeo and Juliet movie.  It was directed by Carlo Carlei and stars Douglas Booth as Romeo.  It was quite good, really.  I've also seen the version with Leonard Whiting as Romeo (directed by Franco Zeffirelli and released in 1968).  I was too young to see it in 1968, but when I did see it in my teens - and I saw Romeo - YOWZA!  He was gorgeous!  I developed an immediate, huge crush on Leonard Whiting.  Oh, Juliet was OK but Romeo was absolutely dreamy.  Now I've seen Douglas Booth as Romeo and it was yet another YOWZA moment!  He's pretty dreamy too.  I don't know which I like better.  You can decide for yourself.

Leonard Whiting
Douglas Booth

Covered Bridge Festival in Parke County, Indiana

Yesterday we went to the Covered Bridge Festival in Parke County, Indiana.  Apparently Parke County is the "covered bridge capital of the world".   The festival is headquartered in Rockville, the county seat.  There are a lot of things to do and see, but we got caught in a massive traffic jam on the way there (30 minutes!), and even though we left early we still didn't have enough time to see everything.  In fact, I think it's unlikely a person can see and do everything in one day.

It was fun.  There are a lot of craft and antique dealers.  We found some cat items:

Another salt and pepper set for the collection!

And this hilarious wine bottle holder.  Paul is a wine lover and we couldn't pass this up!

There are 31 covered bridges in the county.  We went on a drive to see several of them.  Here are a few pictures:

The festival runs from October 11 to 20.  Here's the link for the info about the festival:

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Day in Centerville, Indiana

It was a cool, rainy day yesterday (Saturday) so we decided to go to Centerville, Indiana to one of our favorite antique malls.  We have several favorites that we visit about once a year - usually in the fall and winter on dark, gloomy days.  The one we visited yesterday used to be called Webb's Antique Mall but it's now called the Centerville Antique Mall.

We've discovered that you can't judge an antique mall by what it looks like on the outside.  We've found some really wonderful stuff  in the crummiest looking malls.

Usually we like to just look but I have a cat salt and pepper shaker collection that keeps growing, mainly because of antique malls (well...and ebay too).  This is one of the sets that I bought.

Yep, they're salt and pepper shakers.  I have dozens and dozens (Really it's about 150 sets! and we're having trouble displaying them all. - Paul) sets of cat salt and pepper shakers.  Most are quite inexpensive but they're lots of fun.  Some are pretty but most are silly.  (I have cat cookie jars and cat teapots as well but I'll talk about them another time.)

This is one of my favorite sets currently on display.

I keep threatening to open a cat salt and pepper shaker museum some day. (If that gets them out of the house, I'm all for it. - Paul)  It may sound silly but we discovered a salt and pepper shaker museum in Gatlinburg, Tennessee recently.  It was really fun.  If you're interested, Trip Advisor has some pictures and info on it.

I don't see why I can't do one myself someday after I retire.

After the antique mall, we went to the Warm Glow Candle Company Outlet Store - also in Centerville.

We've never been there before.  It was really nice.  It had huge selection of candles, jewelry, holiday and gift-y items.  We bought a clove scented candle.  Mix it with a cinnamon scented candle and the house should smell like gingersnaps!

What a fun way to spend a dreary day.


Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Friend Robert

Today we went to see our friend Robert.  For the past few months I've been taking pictures of my favorite people and he's one of them.  He's nice, friendly and funny.

Nothing much else to report.  It was a fairly quiet weekend.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Austenland and The Wizard of Oz - An IMAX 3-D Experience

Hi All.

Nothing really exciting this weekend to report.  We went shopping, out to dinner and then I "dragged" Paul to see a couple of chick-flicks.  (Don't tell anyone, but he likes this type of movie more than a real man should.)  Yesterday (Saturday) we saw the movie Austenland.  It's about an English resort that immerses it's guests in Regency England, complete with a Jane Austen-like suitor.  It was fun but not at all what I expected.  Sometimes I think it would be neat to live in Regency England but really I'd rather go to Austenland for a few weeks, if only it existed.

I do admit that I liked Mr. Nobly (the Fitzwilliam Darcy character).  Here is the actor, JJ Feild, with Keri Russell (who played Jane). 

While we were at the theatre we discovered that The Wizard of Oz had been released in a new 3-D IMAX format ("An IMAX 3-D Experience").  We decided to do that today (Sunday).  I'm really a Wizard of Oz geek.  Most of my favorite movies are sci-fi, but this is one of the few girlie movies that I really love.  It was really cool to see the movie on the big screen and in 3-D.  I remember watching it every year in the spring when it played on TV.  It was always such a big deal when it came on.  I think I was probably about five when I saw it the first time and I never missed a year.

Judy Garland had a beautiful voice.  I always wished I could sing like her.

If I have to decide I think the Scarecrow is my favorite character.  I can't really say why - I just love him.

The Lion is my second favorite.  He's so funny. 

The Tin Man is my third.  I think he's sweet.

We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz...


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Irish Festival in Indianapolis, Indiana

A hundred thousand welcomes to ya!  I was going to start this post with "top o' the morning to ya" but apparently that phrase was created in Hollywood, that is if the internet can be believed.  Anyway, hello.  Today we went to the Irish Festival in Indianapolis.  If you saw my post from yesterday (when we went to the Scottish Festival) then you'll know we've had a wee bit of Celtic culture this weekend. 

Today Paul wore his Irish soccer jersey.  Once again no one commented.  He was still disappointed, but after yesterday, he wasn't too surprised.

This was a larger festival than the Scottish Festival, but in some ways it was very similar.  For instance, we saw bagpipe players again.  Funny...I really think of Scotland when I think of bagpipes.

And once again we did some shopping.  Bought some gifts for the family.

They had several stages where bands were playing traditional Irish and Celtic music.  Paul got into the spirit by having a Guinness while we listened.  The weather was great and we had a great time.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Scottish Festival in Columbus, Indiana

Aye, right!  Today we went to the Scottish Festival in Columbus, Indiana.  A wee festival that celebrated all things Scottish...from jewelry and Celtic crosses to books and Scottish food.  Yes, even haggis!

Paul wore a Scottish rugby jersey that we bought in the UK, but with all the kilts no one really noticed.  He was disappointed.

We did some shopping and watched the bagpipers.

We also saw some highland cattle.

And we had a little fun pretending to be Scottish.

We wanted to try a dish called rumbledethumps but they dinnae have any left.  It's a traditional dish from the Scottish borders. The main ingredients are potato, cabbage and onion.  The one at the festival also had cheese.  We saw someone eating it, and it smelled yummy.

A festival like this makes me want to go back to the UK.  We haven't explored Scotland nearly enough.