Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Day in Centerville, Indiana

It was a cool, rainy day yesterday (Saturday) so we decided to go to Centerville, Indiana to one of our favorite antique malls.  We have several favorites that we visit about once a year - usually in the fall and winter on dark, gloomy days.  The one we visited yesterday used to be called Webb's Antique Mall but it's now called the Centerville Antique Mall.

We've discovered that you can't judge an antique mall by what it looks like on the outside.  We've found some really wonderful stuff  in the crummiest looking malls.

Usually we like to just look but I have a cat salt and pepper shaker collection that keeps growing, mainly because of antique malls (well...and ebay too).  This is one of the sets that I bought.

Yep, they're salt and pepper shakers.  I have dozens and dozens (Really it's about 150 sets! and we're having trouble displaying them all. - Paul) sets of cat salt and pepper shakers.  Most are quite inexpensive but they're lots of fun.  Some are pretty but most are silly.  (I have cat cookie jars and cat teapots as well but I'll talk about them another time.)

This is one of my favorite sets currently on display.

I keep threatening to open a cat salt and pepper shaker museum some day. (If that gets them out of the house, I'm all for it. - Paul)  It may sound silly but we discovered a salt and pepper shaker museum in Gatlinburg, Tennessee recently.  It was really fun.  If you're interested, Trip Advisor has some pictures and info on it.

I don't see why I can't do one myself someday after I retire.

After the antique mall, we went to the Warm Glow Candle Company Outlet Store - also in Centerville.

We've never been there before.  It was really nice.  It had huge selection of candles, jewelry, holiday and gift-y items.  We bought a clove scented candle.  Mix it with a cinnamon scented candle and the house should smell like gingersnaps!

What a fun way to spend a dreary day.


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