Sunday, October 20, 2013


Paul's Post

I was recently looking up some info on one of my favorite designers, Daniel Cremieux.  The paisley shirts that I talked about in an earlier blog are from Cremieux.  I found a reference to Cremieux on Wikipedia that described it as "a brand of preppy style clothing."  Preppy?! Me?! That can't be right.
This gives away my age, I guess, but I remember when I was in high school that preppy was for the well-to-do kids, but something to be avoided for everyone else.  I remember things that made fun of "preppies" like the "Official Preppy Handbook" by Lisa Birnbach.

I then read more on Preppy in Wiki and found this statement "Examples of preppy attire include argyle sweaters, crewneck sweaters, grosgrain or woven leather belts, chinos, madras, Nantucket Reds, button down Oxford cloth shirts, seersucker cotton suiting, pearl necklaces and earrings, gold bangle or large chain bracelets, loafers and boat shoes."

I then thought about my wardrobe and thought - Oh my God, I am preppy!

For example here are just a few of my sweaters:

Argyle sweaters - Strike one!

I always were oxford cloth shirts with a button down collar to the office - Strike two!

These are then a few of the shoes that I have bought recently. 
Boat shoes - Strike three!!!
And in addition, I almost always wear chinos rather than jeans and I use braided leather belts.

I guess I'm going to have to accept this.  But it's not all bad.  At least things like baggy cargo pants and torn jeans are out of fashion.

Yes, he is preppy.  I can vouch for it.  But if I was thinner, I'd be a fashionista! - Lisa

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