Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Matchbox Twenty Cruise

We just got back on Monday from a short cruise to the Bahamas with Matchbox Twenty.  Yes, that's right!  Matchbox Twenty.  We left on Friday and returned on Monday.  I had been looking forward to this cruise all year.  And it was absolutely wonderful, well worth the wait.

Matchbox Twenty performed three concerts.  One big concert for the whole ship.  Then they divided the passengers into groups A and B and performed two smaller concerts of the older songs they don't usually perform any more.  They were fantastic!

The band members also did a songwriter's session where they discussed how they worked together to create new songs. 

A Q&A session was held and they were very interesting and entertaining.  No personal questions but some great professional ones.

It really was the photography session that was the best.  We got our pictures taken with the band and got hugs from each band member - Brian, Kyle, Paul and Rob.  I'm a huge Rob Thomas fan and it was so unbelievable to get a hug from him.  I have to say it was one of the best experiences of my life.  

I've actually met Rob before.  I won the opportunity to meet him backstage before his concert on October 31, 2009 in St. Louis.  I had a chance to talk with him (briefly) and I gave him a small gift.  This time I got a hug but not much time for talk.  But put the two experiences together and WOW!  He seems like such a great guy.  I wish we could be friends.  

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