Sunday, May 5, 2013


We just got home fom Cincinnati.  Paul, my sister, Joyce, and I went to a show at the Cincinnati Gardens called Geofair.  It's an annual show about semi-precious and precious gems as well as mineral and fossil specimens.  It has displays and booths with items for sale.  I've gone every year since I was five (which was a long time ago!).  What's more, I've never missed a year!

I bought some wonderful jewelry.  A lady always needs (well...wants) jewelry. It's all sterling silver with a natural blue stone called Larimar.  The chain length was adjustable which was cool.  That's really helpful, as I've often found that the standard chains that come with necklaces are not long enough for me.  I was really pleased to find one that was adjustable.

In addition I got to see my friend, Gene.  He's known as The Crystal Guy.  (Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of his wife, Barbie.)  He sells so much wonderful stuff.  His website is:

(my sister, Joyce, Gene and me)

Here's some of his stuff.

Had a great time.  Can't wait for next years show.


  1. Wow. That sounds great.

  2. There is such an amazing kind of energy at GeoFair. All the gorgeous colors and incredible shapes are a visual feast. The hardest part is selecting which items to buy when what I really want is to buy everything! All of it. Yep, just box it all up, I'll sort it out later!
