Thursday, May 2, 2013

High Heel Shoe Protectors

My sister, Joyce, just discovered a wonderful item for shoes!  They're high heel protectors.  They keep the heel from sinking into mud or grass.  Or from getting caught between rocks.  Solemates makes them.  I bought a clear pair and a black pair from DSW today and tried them out.  They're really cool!  Here are some pictures from the website.

Here's the website:

If you try them, let me know what you think!


  1. I know another reason why these are so awesome. When I wear narrow heels like the ones in the photos, my heels get stuck in the gaps in the sdewalk. They even get stuck in the grooves between the bricks that line the walkway to the front door where I work. I've twisted my ankle plenty of times like this.

  2. AHHH! I need these!! I tear up so many of my shoes, I will be ordering these! Thanks for posting Lisa!!


  3. That's great! I was using transparent strips to prevent unsightly looking heels caused by mud stains, dents, nicks, scrapes and scratches, which are easy to apply.
