Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dresses from Simply Be

While looking online today for plus size dresses, I came across two that seem really cute and fashionable.  I found them at Simply Be.  They come in my size but I wonder if they look too young.  I want to wear clothes that are fun as well as fashionable but I don't want to wear something inappropriate for my age.  Let's just say I'm not a twenty or thirty-something anymore.  Here's a picture of me.

Here are pictures of the dresses.
Joe Brown's Tea for Two dress

Joe Brown's Picnic dress

I'd love another opinion.  What do you think?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Road Trip to Madison, Indiana

We're back from our first road trip of the summer.  We took the new car down to Madison, Indiana today.  It's on the Ohio River, about 100 miles south of Indy.  We go to Madison once each summer.  Our first stop was the Lumber Mill Antique Mall.  We've found some great things at this mall before.


Today we found a Fenton Carnival Glass bowl.  It has butterflies and flowers on it.  Very nice!

Next we went to the Spring Old Court Days festival.  It had a variety of arts and crafts and collectibles.  I found an artist/jewelry maker who had the most amazing lampwork beads.  Some were pink, some were purple, some were ivory.  Each had the most exquisite glass flowers on the surface.  Very small and very detailed.  She made me a bracelet, earrings and a pendant.  I don't think I can take a picture that will do them justice but I tried. 

Last we went to Clifty Falls State Park for a little walk.  Everything was so green and the birds were singing.  It was gorgeous.

Not sure where we're going next but it's bound to be fun.  I love spring and summer.




Saturday, May 25, 2013


Paul has a new woman in his life!  A sexy, Italian named Carlotta.  I caught them together and took a picture.

She's his new Fiat 500!  We just bought her a few days ago.  Here are some more pictures.

What a fun, new car.  We love her.

What do you think?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Paul's Post - New Shoes

Paul's Post

Lisa bought ANOTHER pair of shoes! 

I swear, the woman must have a hundred pairs of shoes!  Does she need another?  Well, actually, maybe she does.  I guess that I can't really complain, because my collection is rather large - for a guy anyway.  I think I'm up to 20 pairs!  Is that too many?
Actually, I bought a new pair of shoes too.   Here's a picture. 
I like the dressy-casual look to them.  I also have several pairs of dressy-casual suede shoes.  I even have a pair of blue suede shoes!  I'm dying for someone to notice so I can break into my Elvis imitation.  (♫ Don't you step on my blue suede shoes ♫)  I love suede but I'm always worried about rain.  I hope these shoes can take some wet weather.
Shoes really make the outfit! (Did I really say that?)
Stay tuned for more of the guy's point of view...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

In Honor of My Mother

In Honor of My Mother, Rubye Bailey
1919 to 1989

My mother was an amazing person.  Strong, smart, sensible.  She was a dynamic force to be reckoned with.  Her love and guidance gave me stability during the years she was alive and her memory has helped me through the years she has been gone. 

I found this poem online and I think it says what I feel perfectly.

If Roses Grow in Heaven

If roses grow in heaven
Lord, please pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my Mother's arms
and tell her they're from me.

Tell her that I love her and miss her,
and when she turns to smile,
place a kiss upon her cheek
and hold her for awhile.

Because remembering her is easy
I do it every day,
but there's an ache within my heart
that will never go away.
Author: Kirsten Preus

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Also, I'd like to thank my Aunt June for her love and guidance after my mother passed away.  She is more like a mother to me than an aunt.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


We just got home fom Cincinnati.  Paul, my sister, Joyce, and I went to a show at the Cincinnati Gardens called Geofair.  It's an annual show about semi-precious and precious gems as well as mineral and fossil specimens.  It has displays and booths with items for sale.  I've gone every year since I was five (which was a long time ago!).  What's more, I've never missed a year!

I bought some wonderful jewelry.  A lady always needs (well...wants) jewelry. It's all sterling silver with a natural blue stone called Larimar.  The chain length was adjustable which was cool.  That's really helpful, as I've often found that the standard chains that come with necklaces are not long enough for me.  I was really pleased to find one that was adjustable.

In addition I got to see my friend, Gene.  He's known as The Crystal Guy.  (Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of his wife, Barbie.)  He sells so much wonderful stuff.  His website is:

(my sister, Joyce, Gene and me)

Here's some of his stuff.

Had a great time.  Can't wait for next years show.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

High Heel Shoe Protectors

My sister, Joyce, just discovered a wonderful item for shoes!  They're high heel protectors.  They keep the heel from sinking into mud or grass.  Or from getting caught between rocks.  Solemates makes them.  I bought a clear pair and a black pair from DSW today and tried them out.  They're really cool!  Here are some pictures from the website.

Here's the website:

If you try them, let me know what you think!