Sunday, June 9, 2013

Paul's Post - Paisley

Paul's Post

Lisa and I were out shopping recently, and I started looking at neckties.  I was disappointed to find that everything was stripes and solids.  How boring!  Your tie really gives you a chance to add some character to your outfit, and apparently, all we can do is stripes!  I happen to prefer an interesting pattern, particularly paisley. 

My tie collection is large (and growing!).  I have almost 80 ties that I wear regularly, and a few that I wear on holidays (Christmas, Valentines Day, etc.).  I really love paisley, and a large portion of my tie collection is paisley.  This is a picture of a few of my favorites:

My love for paisley has even spread to shirts.  I've discovered that Dillard's Cremiex brand has paisley shirts.  These are a few of the ones I've bought from them:

I may be somewhat out of fashion wearing paisley, but I love it so much that I am going to continue to do it.


Lisa here.  I like paisley too.  Here's a picture of a paisley shirt I bought from Kohl's.

Stay tuned for more from the guy's point of view...

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