Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New Pandora Charm

Today I bought the Sydney Opera House charm for my Pandora bracelet.  My bracelet is fairly new and so far I've been wearing various heart charms but now I have all but one of the charms needed to make a international travel-related bracelet.

This is the Sydney Opera House charm.
These are the charms I have for international travel: 

  • Australia:  Sydney Opera House - We visited the opera house in addition to lots of other fun things in Sydney.  We also visited Kangaroo Island.
  • Bahamas:  a dolphin - We stayed at Atlantis in the Bahamas and had the chance to get up close to touch and kiss a dolphin (as well as some sea lions).                          
  • France:  Eiffel Tower - We visited the Eiffel Tower but it was a cold, rainy day and that took away a bit from the experience.
  • Greece:  Parthenon - Very cool.  So much history in one place.
  • Italy:  a gondola and the coliseum - I guess I'll have to chose one.  I loved Venice so I'll go with the gondola.
  • Turkey:  I don't have a charm yet.  Does anyone know of any Pandora-like charms (charms for European bracelets, like Chamilia, etc.) that would be good to represent Turkey?
  • England:  Big Ben - There were so many England charms to choose from but I went with Big Ben.
  • Ireland:  a four leaf clover - A typical choice I suppose but I like the charm.
  • Scotland:  a thistle and a sheep - I guess I'll have to chose one.  A thistle is the symbol of Scotland but, man, I saw a lot of sheep there!  I went with the thistle.
  • Wales:  a dragon - The Welsh dragon is on the national flag.  This charm is close to a Welsh dragon.  I made sure it wasn't a Chinese dragon (since I haven't been to China).
Plus I have a cruise ship charm and an airplane charm.

I have a picture of my bracelet with the heart charms.  The central charm is the Special Sister charm - my sister, Joyce, bought it for me. 

Here is a picture of my bracelet with the travel-related charms.

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